Introducing: The New Wyre Dashboard

Wyre Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2022


Wyre’s super simple APIs give any developer the tools to access all of the power of crypto and the Web3 ecosystem. Today, the Wyre team is excited to introduce the open beta of our brand new Wyre Dashboard.

The three features of the new Wyre Dashboard to highlight are:

  • Instant access to test API Keys to start building
  • Toggle feature: easily change views between your test and production data with the toggle button at the top of the screen.
  • Sleek new look that makes it simple to start building

Instant Test API Keys

Our new dashboard has been designed to give almost instant access to test API keys, so you can get from signup to building in less than a minute.

To access the new dashboard, simply click the “login” button at the top of Wyre’s homepage. If you are looking to access our legacy dashboard, you can still access it at

Once at the login screen, go ahead and use your existing login credentials if you already have a Wyre account. To reiterate, you do not need to create a new Wyre account if you already have one. If you are a new user, it takes no time at all to set up a new account.

If you are building with Wyre for the first time and looking to build straight away, you can quickly generate your test API keys while verification of your production account is still pending. That means, that within seconds of creating an account, you can generate test API keys, jump into TestWyre (our test environment) and start experimenting with Wyre’s powerful tools.

To generate your test API keys, make sure that the toggle at the top is set to the “Test” position. Then, head to the “Developers” tab from the left menu and click the “Add API Key” button.

That’s it! You will get a notification that you have successfully created your API keys. Once you have successfully created them you can begin to interact with our test environment immediately. As an important note, this is the last time your secret key will be available, so be sure to write it down.

Toggle Feature

After your account becomes verified, you will be able to use the toggle at the top of the screen to easily change between our test and production environments. Your data will remain specific to each environment, keeping it nicely organized between the two environments.

You only need one username and password to access both your test and production accounts!

New Branding

Our fresh new branding (which was created in conjunction with Studio Freight) has been built into the new look of the dashboard. And who doesn’t love to use products that look good?

Be sure to stay tuned with more updates to the Wyre Dashboard in the coming months.

Let your imagination run wild with all of the things you can build using Wyre. If you have technical questions, be sure to visit our fully comprehensive API documentation or contact our sales team directly.

Connect with our community & dev team on Discord to get answers to all of your integration questions.



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